ECM Integrations

Gain insight from your content by integrating business applications with Laserfiche
- Integrate your content with ERP, CRM, SIS and GIS applications with one click using Laserfiche Connector.
- Browse hundreds of pre-built integrations to connect Laserfiche with core business applications.
- Use flexible SDKs to create sophisticated solutions that integrate with proprietary applications.
Connect seamlessly to Microsoft Office applications
- Save Word documents, e-mails and PowerPoint slides into Laserfiche directly from Microsoft Office applications.
- E-mail documents directly from the repository.
- Import e-mails and attachments into Laserfiche with a single click.
- Open Office documents in Laserfiche directly in their native applications, and add or change Laserfiche metadata without leaving that program.
Access hundreds of pre-built integrations from the Integrations Marketplace
- Browse hundreds of pre-built integrations to connect Laserfiche with core applications.
- Purchase pre-built integrations for popular products including DocuSign and Salesforce.
- Quickly connect Laserfiche with popular multi-function devices from Ricoh and more.