Find market opportunities and occupy new niches with ABBYY solutions for Android, Apple iOS and other popular platforms.
Create unique products for business audiences using special OCR modules and image pre-processing features.
Expand your target audience with mobile capture solutions for more than 200 world languages.
Capture both printed and hand-printed text, checkmarks and barcodes from structured and semi-structured documents.
Utilize powerful image processing functions to enhance the visual quality of photographed documents.
Save traffic and memory resources, minimize the size of output files.
Automatic import of leads from business card snapshots into CRM systems.
Instant capture and submission of receipts.
Instant capture of forms and documents for loan processing.
Fast filing of insurance claims using photos of documents.
Accurate on-the-road capture of bills of lading.
Quick and accurate conversion of legal documents and forms to editable tex
Instant capture of documents for electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR).
Quick and accurate capture of test results for different types of exams.