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Category: News
Life Pharmacy chooses Qlik to deliver its Reporting & Dashboard Analytics initiative for Greater Business Insight
Life Pharma one of the leading retail pharmacy group in Dubai – UAE has selected AL Mazroui & Partners LLC (MAP) to help the initiative of procuring & implementing and enterprise wide . Business Analytics Solution across its retail, supply-chain, finance & HR departments. The platform will be built on Qlik Analytics Portfolio and upon completion the project will enable Life Pharma to more effectively manage increasingly complex logistics networks and operations with lower costs and higher service performance.
About Life Pharma:
Life Pharmacy one of the leading retail pharmacy group in Dubai – UAE at present the organization has over 150 retail outlets consisting of Pharmacies, Healthcare Hypermarkets, Health and Wellness stores catering to an average annual customer base of more than ten million walk-ins.
LIFE Pharmacy is committed to deliver excellent growth in turnover and profitability by expanding its number of outlets and increasing presence to double the current store count in the coming two years, increasing the current store count to 300 by end of 2018. The Company operates a network of pharmacies located in business districts and other strategic locations and employs over 1,500 professionals.
SAP Analytics Innovation Workshop
New user requirements, new data requirements and technology innovations are causing organisations to re-think their analytics strategy, with Gartner estimating that the number of people in companies using Analytics will grow from 30% today to 75% in 2020.
SAP is the market leader for Analytical software products & solutions and provides a powerful portfolio to its customers. To help prepare for this transformation, we invite you to join our Analytics 360 Innovation Workshops, which is exclusively organized by MAP – Al Mazroui & Partners every fortnight in SAP UAE Office. SAP joining hands with MAP will introduce the latest innovations in Analytics, and provide you with technical insights to ensure you get the most out of your existing landscapes.
During the workshop, we will give you a better understanding and a deeper insight into some of our latest analytical products, such as built on SAP Business Objects Cloud. This next-generation board portal leverages business data from SAP R3, S/4HANA, Roambi, SAP Predictive Analytics and SAP Business Objects BI platform and other core applications to provide a single source of truth for the company.
Since C-level executives in the digital economy need real-time business intelligence, ad-hoc reporting, and what-if analysis to make decisions for today and drive change for the future. Right now, most leaders are challenged by heterogeneous reporting solutions and meetings dominated by static content. SAP Digital Boardroom transforms executive meetings from one-way presentations based on static media to interactive discussions based on real-time facts.
SAP Digital Boardroom transforms executive meetings from one-way presentations based on static media to interactive discussions based on real-time facts.
Certified Security Integrator by ADMCC
SAP Partner Centre of Expertise (PCOE)
Event Details : MAP received the SAP Partner Centre of Expertise (PCOE), a highly coveted & acknowledged certification. This certification is achieved after an extensive audit of services, in-house capabilities & support infrastructure related to SAP Analytics .The PCOE certification process is a rigorous set of requirements, deliverables, quality benchmarks, quality gates, quality audits, SAP resources capabilities and expertise as well as overall customers’ and industry satisfactions, which must be met or exceeded to attain the coveted PCOE status.
Exclusive PMC agreement
This strategic PMC agreement will further strengthen our collaboration with SAP in the Business Analytics space.The result would enable MAP to offer a unique go to market approach SaaS for on-premise licenses simplifying customer journeys to digital businesses in fast track. The result would enable MAP to offer a unique go to market approach simplifying customer journeys to digital businesses in fast track
SAP Best Analytics Partner – 2016
Al Mazroui & Partners (MAP) is awarded the Best Analytics Partner for the year 2016. At the SAP Excellency Awards an annual ceremony to acknowledge partners who have exhibited enhanced innovation and business excellence in their relevant portfolio. As a recipient of a SAP Best Analytic Partner Award, MAP is proud to continue its commitment and efforts in developing and growing its partnership with SAP.